What we want to achieve:
- styling file input
- get the name(s) of files, since we aren’t depending on the original input to tell us what our user has uploaded
- bonus: read and display the text content of file
What we want to achieve:
<div ng-repeat="item in arr | objFilter:'name':keyword:matchCase"></div> arr = [ {name: 'A'} {name: 'B'} ] app.filter 'objFilter', -> return (input, prop, value, matchCase) -> arr = [] input.forEach (item) -> if item[prop] reg = new RegExp(value, if matchCase then '' else 'i') arr.push(item) if item[prop].match(reg) return arr
<label ng-model="pref.active" btn-radio="'choceA'"> <input type="radio" name="groupName"> </label>
The btn-radio part is a STRING–It needs a valid string.
How to cut off long single-line text with a nice clean ellipsis?
text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden;
Note: there has to be a limit to the div’s width.
It’s not about failing. It’s about getting feedback, fast.
As creatures who move in one direction in time, events spread across different spots of time-space could be lined up and explained with cause and effect. It’s how neurones work. Strengthen the repeated connections and destruct the singled-out ones.
Last night I flipped through his blog posts on recommendation, and it blew my mind. I might not have had this level of mind-blown-ness in months.
Seriously, go read it if you haven’t.
First, we need the tool–FontLab Studio.
Error message:
Uncaught Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module x due to: Error: [$injector:modulerr] Failed to instantiate module x due to: Error: [$injector:unpr] Unknown provider: xx
If it actually works, I’d passionately take on a full-time job where I march around on the streets, wave my arms and chant “please read these books!” all day long, because the world would definitely become a better place if more people read those books, and this is the most natural and efficient approach I could come up with.
This is a weird case. Random files get clogged with localhost. Restarting the server got it right.