First I tried the normal ways, like using html-to-react and the alike, but somehow due to some finicky formatting of strings, this library just flat out refuses to convert legitimate HTML. On top of that, NextJS was complaining loudly about Prop dangerouslySetInnerHTML did not match.
Make sure that you have Microsoft’s Python extension installed. If you need more than one paths, simply create a .env file in project root path, and add extra paths in, separated by :, as such:
VSCode will know to look for definitions under these paths.
If it still doesn’t work, or doesn’t work all the time, it’s very likely that one of the other plugins that you have is interfering with the Python one. To check, use Command + Shift + P to open the prompt and run the command:
> Extensions: Open Extensions Folder
Move all the extensions there to another temporary place, re-install the Python extension, and see if things start working now. If it does work now, add them back in batch to find out the culprit. 😀
Also, for gigantic projects, try switching intellisense engine: