Recommendations, Thoughts

Book Recommendations

If it actually works, I’d passionately take on a full-time job where I march around on the streets, wave my arms and chant “please read these books!” all day long, because the world would definitely become a better place if more people read those books, and this is the most natural and efficient approach I could come up with.

Which is why I’m usually very happy when people ask for book recommendations. It’s the kind of advice I would want from a friend, if I were confused about something. Ask me illuminating questions so I could make my own decisions. Give me a keyword to research on. Recommend a book.

I don’t just want solutions. I want to know how to get there.

So how does one equip their mind with the ability to navigate through chaos, obstacles and uncertainties; to see through complex problems, apply critical thinking and explain them in clear terms?

Start from here:

The Art of Learning

  • the love of life and learning
  • how to navigate obstacles and deal with chaos

Mindset, MasteryFlow

  • learning theories
  • cognitive psychology

Economics in One Lesson

  • economic theories
  • explain complicated matters with clean reasoning

Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality

  • magic with the method of science
  • cognitive science
  • humanism
  • narcissism

Hackers and Painters

  • explain complicated matters with clean reasoning
  • economic theories
  • startup related
  • programming related

Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs

  • automation
  • abstraction upon abstraction
  • programming related

Ideas and OpinionsJustice, Lying, The Moral Landscape, What Life Should Mean to You

  • critical thinking
  • world view
  • right & wrong

Can’t Buy My Love, Trust Me, I’m Lying, The Four, Abundance

  • advertising & marketing
  • future
  • capitalism
  • economic systems
  • technology development

Intuitive EatingIn the Realm of Hungry Ghosts

  • system/environment vs. individual
  • psychology experiments
  • pathology
  • addiction
  • empathetic way of thinking

When the Body Says No, Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers, Boundaries

  • pathology
  • differentiation
  • social psychology
  • self-awareness
  • clear communication
  • passive aggression explained

Nonviolent Communication, Never Split the Difference, Verbal JudoThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

  • win-win, cooperative way of thinking
  • effective communication
  • empathy
  • criminal psychology

Attached, The Power of Two, He’s Just Not That Into You, Scary Close

  • attachment theories
  • win-win, cooperative way of thinking
  • effective communication
  • dating and relationships

Hold On to Your Kids

  • attachment theories
  • education and child rearing
  • interesting take on rebellion in adolescence

The Gift of FearThe Boy Who Was Raised as a Dog

  • criminal psychology
  • thrilling story telling way of writing
  • system/environment vs. individual
  • clear communication
  • empathy
  • trauma

The Pleasure of Finding Things Out, Surely You’re Joking, Mr. Feynman!, What Do You Care What Other People Think?

  • Richard Feynman
  • biography
  • funny

Deep Work

  • productiveness
  • system/environment vs. individual

The Geography of Bliss

  • thought-provoking
  • happiness

Fooled by Randomness, Antifragile

  • see the world through the lens of probability of events
  • voice vs. noise
  • uncertainties
  • chaos

Out of Control

  • social systems
  • economic systems
  • technological development
  • system/environment vs. individual
  • future
  • chaos

Mistakes Were MadeSubliminal

  • social psychology
  • self-awareness

The Social AnimalThe Lucifer Effect

  • social psychology
  • self-awareness
  • system/environment vs. individual

And how to read them:

  • don’t read from cover from cover, unless the whole book is just everything you need
  • pick the topics of your interest, read the chapters you’re interested in
  • time wasted on chapters you’re not interested in could be spent on reading something that’s both fun and informative
  • no need to agree
  • what one does need is the ability to process information even when they disagree with it
  • see where they contradict and agree with each other, and think
  • find a way to either reread the interesting parts or try out the theories

Personally I would:

  • highlight while I read, on kindle
  • sort the notes with Kindle Clippings Processor (which groups notes by book name and sort them by location and timestamp), and collect/reread the juicy parts when I feel like pondering on specific topics (with Evernote, one ever-note per book)

Rereading helps tremendously with digestion. The once alien concepts gradually become emotionally integrated as part of your own. But even if you don’t reread, every line of information you ever absorbed anywhere will have a cozy corner somewhere deep in your mind, somehow. Subconsciousness works marvellously like that.

Go knock yourself out with delicious books. Bon voyage!

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