Sometimes when we pull from upstream origin in terminal, we see git prompting to enter vim. And if we left it hanging there and went ahead committing somewhere else, it would treat all those changes in master as your own contribution, because merge didn’t happen before commit.
Category Archives: VIM
Open Sublime From Terminal and Vim
$ sudo ln -s "/Applications/Sublime" /bin/subl
map <silent><leader>os : exe 'silent !subl .'<CR>
Vim: How to AutoCompile Less & Coffee with SourceMaps
in .vimrc:
au BufWritePost *.less silent !lessc <afile> --source-map <afile>:r.css au BufWritePost *.coffee silent make -m
Ctags for JavaScript and Less
This is how to achieve “JumpToDefinition” in Vim, for JS and Less files.