
ES6: Tagged Template Literals Explained

What is “Tagged Template Literals”, or “Tagged Templates”?

Let’s take a look at a simplified version of MDN’s very confusing example [1].

var a = 1, b = 2, c = 3;

function tag(strings, ...values) { 
  return "Bazinga!"; 

tag`${a} Hello ${b} world ${c}`; // "Bazinga!"

To read this, first we need to understand the ...values part. The dots before the last parameter means “all the parameters after this point”. Which, is a genuine array. This is part of the new power that comes with ES6 [2]. No need to do the awkward dance to grab the arguments array any more. Yay.

Now, we can say that what this piece of code is trying to convey is:

  • with strings, we get an array of string pieces that we passed in when calling it: ["", " Hello ", " world ", ""]
  • with values, we get an array of value pieces with the call as well: [1, 2, 3]

You might have noticed that the ${b} part is no where to be seen in the strings array. Yes, only ${}s at the start and end of a string would be counted in here.

But what’s the use of getting the two arrays?

Well, we can essentially return anything we want it to. A string, sure. That can be useful for auto-escaping, formatting, localisation [3] and in general, more complex substitutions [4]. An object, no problem. Depending on our need, we can even return a function based on the string, as did the POST request example here [5].

There’s also a built in tagged template in ES6 called String.raw [6], which would keep all the escape characters, white spaces, tags and new lines inside of `` as is:

// 'Hi\\n!', the character after 'Hi' is not a newline character,
// '\' and 'n' are two characters.

So if you ever need to do complicated string manipulations again, consider Tagged Templates.
