The thing is, for security reasons, fullscreen could only be triggered by mouse and keyboard events. Trying it out in console alone would be vain.
toggleFullScreen = (ele) -> if !document.fullScreenElement && !document.mozFullScreenElement && !document.webkitFullscreenElement && !document.msFullscreenElement # doesn't have full screen element yet if document.documentElement.requestFullscreen ele.requestFullscreen() else ele.msRequestFullscreen?() ele.mozRequestFullScreen?() # important: it's Fullscreen, not FullScreen for webkit! Though the two both exist in Chrome and Safari, only the low-case one works for safari ele.webkitRequestFullscreen?(Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT) else # some element is already full-screened if document.exitFullscreen document.exitFullscreen() else document.msExitFullscreen?() document.mozCancelFullScreen?() document.webkitExitFullscreen?() # jquery plugin $::toggleFullScreen = -> toggleFullScreen($(this)[0]) # usage $('.some-element').toggleFullScreen()
And, don’t forget that the webkits don’t automatically full size the full-screen element. Instead, it hangs the element right in the middle of the screen. Therefore,
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
Further read: