Step 1: Register A New Client here.
Fill in:
Copy the CLIENT ID you get after you submit the form.
Step 2: Prompt to get Access Token from Users, and Request for Likes with PHP
So the onclick event I have:
$('#social').on 'click', '.instagram .likes', -> mediaId = $(this).data('media-id') if !$(this).hasClass('liked') $(this).addClass('liked') Instagram.likePost mediaId, => console.log 'liked' else $(this).removeClass('liked') Instagram.unlikePost mediaId, => console.log 'unliked'
And inside
Instagram = hasAccessToken: -> localStorage.getItem('accessToken') getAccessToken: -> clientId = "4axxxxa41axxxxda9cxxxx54axxxxb00" redirectUri = "http://localhost/redirect.html" # redirect to this page once the authentication is done url = "{ clientId }&response_type=token&scope=likes&redirect_uri=#{ redirectUri }" url, 'authenticate', "width=800,height=700" likeActions: (mediaId, like, done) -> if !Modernizr.localstorage console.log "doesn't support localstorage!" return if !@hasAccessToken() console.log 'no access token' @getAccessToken() else console.log 'has access token' accessToken = localStorage.getItem('accessToken') url = "./instagram/index.php?like=#{ like }&mediaId=#{ mediaId }&token=#{ accessToken }" $.ajax(url: url, type: 'GET', complete: done) likePost: (mediaId, done) -> @likeActions(mediaId, true, done) unlikePost: (mediaId, done) -> @likeActions(mediaId, false, done)
And redirect.html is where the page goes when the authentication is done:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Redirect</title> </head> <body> <script> accessToken = location.href.replace(/(.*)access\_token\=/, '') localStorage.setItem('accessToken', accessToken) window.close() // close window after storing accessToken in localStorage </script> </body> </html>
Step 3: Edit index.php
This is where the requests are wrapped and handled:
<?php require 'instagram.class.php'; // get the file here: // initialize class $instagram = new Instagram(array( 'apiKey' => '4axxxxa41axxxxda9cxxxx54axxxxb00', 'apiSecret' => '8c0xxxxxx44845xxxxxxxe43axxxfeaf' )); $like = $_GET['like']; $token = $_GET['token']; $media_id = $_GET['mediaId']; $instagram->setAccessToken($token); if ($like === "true") { $instagram->likeMedia($media_id); } else { $instagram->deleteLikedMedia($media_id); } ?>