Sometimes it’s because Chrome is in the middle of an update. Even if it doesn’t prompt for restart, go to chrome://help/ and manually restart from there. Simply quitting Chrome and restarting the app might not work.
Yearly Archives: 2016
System Error
99% of learning happens when one adjusts their actions according to feedback. When this airway is blocked, situation can hardly ever improve. And the biggest reason for evading and resisting investigating and learning from errors, is a tendency to take it personally.
As opposed to “take it systematically”.
Death of KickassTorrent
A couple of days ago, the creator of the most popular torrent sharing site, KickassTorrent, was arrested in Poland, and as of now US is seeking his extradition. After isoHunt’s shut down in Canada, 2013, ThePirateBay’s end in Sweden, 2014… now this. Again.
Huffman Coding Explained
Due to patent issues with newer schemes [1], Huffman Coding remains to be the go-to compression algorithm of the day, being applied in ZIP, JPEG, PNG… and much more.
The core idea of Huffman Coding, is to use shorter codes to represent more frequent characters. As for why we always see a mysterious tree of zeros and ones, well, that’s essentially how computers store anything: with binary codes. Essentially the goal of constructing the Huffman binary tree is: to assign the most frequent characters to the shortest zero/one path, walking from tree root to end of a branch.
How to create such a tree?
How To: Combine PDFs on Mac OS X
OS X provides a pretty handy way of combining PDFs in Preview. Go Menu -> View -> Contact Sheet with both files, and drag additional PDF pages onto the first one. However, sometimes it just doesn’t seem to work.
Scheme on Sublime Text 3
Like the Lispbox package IDE with Common Lisp, to jump right in with Scheme without having to spend hours setting things up, it’s either DrRacket or SublimeText. And since DrRacket’s editing interface is a tad unfriendly, let’s fortify Sublime Text with Scheme REPL.
Ruby Logging: Print, Puts, P
New Line | [nil, 1, 2] |
"\n" |
print |
N | [nil, 1, 2] |
# blank line |
puts |
Y | # blank line 1 2 |
# blank line |
p |
Y | [nil, 1, 2] |
"\n" |