
jQuery Plugin: jquery-transformer

Since I constantly need to use jQuery together with TweenMax and since TweenMax already took care of all the parsing of various types of transformation strings as well as compatibility issues, I wrote a tiny jquery plugin here (more of a wrap up of gsap’s) that could directly access these values like this:

$('#ele').transform('rotationX') // returns 0
$('#ele').transform('x')         // returns value of translate-x

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Tongue Twisting This

Inside a function A, THIS always points to the scope outside the function A. Unless, it gets NEWed. Then THIS would point to the object NEWed out, all the THISes inside of that function A,  inside of the function B that’s inside of the function A, and inside of the function C that’s inside of the function B that’s inside of the function A… Since the this inside of function A is the object, and all the functions inside of function A points to their outer scope, which is the THIS inside of function A.

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